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Pan-dimensional theory, Spooky Action, String and Everything


Sound is the 5th Dimension. It’s actually 1st out of 5.

1. Sound

2. Time

3-5. Horizontal, Vertical and Depth.


Sound connects to the 0th dimension. At the moment of Phonon creation, there is a resonating connection from the 0th to the 1st dimension. Phonons resonate from the zero dimension to the sound dimension to the 3-5 dimension in time.


It can be simply stated as 4 Dimensions:

1 = The Previous Dimension

2 = Sound

3 = Time

4 = Horizontal, Vertical and Depth (we).


The way we create sound is 4 4 2.




Spooky action is simply resonance at the sub-atomic level. 👻


String Law is the matrix of resonant connection between dimensions. String = Love!•* 💗


Quantum is fine. It’s now a Law.

Quantum Law is Happiness!•* 😃


Sound is Freedom!•* 🌈


That’s Everything!•* ☘️


☘️ = 💗😃🌈

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